You are a star

Do you realise how great you are? Even if you have no faith that will guide you to your greatness. Science proves how great you are. The elements that make a star a star are equally found in the human body. So yes you are a star. How wonderful is that!. That you are so uniquely and magnificently created, with much thought and precession. That should encourage you, that you need no one approval to be great. To shine. You actually are very very great. Shine as brightly as you can each day. How do you do this? Think on all the good things about you. Think about your gifts, talents, skills. Think about all the people who rely on you and look to you. Think of all the people you help and support. Think of all the positive things about you. This helps you to shine brightly. To build confidence in who you are. Even If you have crazy fashion sense, that is perfectly fine that shows you are a leader not a follower. You are authentically you. So shine even in the things you think are odd about you, that make you stand out. Shine!


1/17/20251 min read

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white concrete building

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